
Palmer Commons
Study Room

3 thoughts on “Gaps

  1. alexpatrylak says:

    Hi Emily! I think you did a really great job filling in some of the gaps we talked about in our small groups. I especially like your first photo of the mojo dining hall. I think you really captured a new image not yet scene in your photobook. I really like the balance and symmetry in the photo and the arial view of the photo. I think you really succeed in taking photos with multiple characters showing interactions between them. I hope to see some of these in your finished product. Great work!!


  2. umkcwang says:

    Nice job on these photos! I appreciate that you went out and took pictures of people, especially larger groups of people. “Midterm”, “Study Room” and “Mojo” are nice because you can tell who the central subjects of the photo are and they are both taken without them knowing. “Mojo” is particularly interesting due the cutoff of the wall. The blank wall accentuates the gap between the two people eating in the booth. Maybe consider cropping the picture to just include the two. “Caught” is pretty amusing considering many of us in the class would hate being caught taking pictures of people. Great job and good luck with composing your photobook!.


  3. sierrakk says:

    I’m glad that you tried to take a wider variety of photos because they turned out really well. I really like that they are of different numbers of people and taken from different angles. I especially like the first image because it is so different from all of your other photos and it is taken from a really interesting angle. Great job!


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